If your business is struggling with any issue that is not an engineering problem, TransaXional can help.
Necessity Dictates Adaptation
TransaXional is Shainin’s approach to solving and preventing business process problems. Dorian Shainin discovered that Pareto’s principle applied to the contributions of different root causes to the overall variation observed in the output of a technical system.
As we have carried Dorian’s vision forward, we discovered that the same is true for non-technical systems – Pareto persists. What we did not anticipate is just how difficult it can be to discover the critical few factors driving variation in these systems. Our technical problem-solving successes are largely due to technical systems being bound by the laws of physics. Non-technical systems are not bound in the same way, so we developed a different approach.
How TransaXional Works
TransaXional uses a function-based strategy rather than a time or sequence-based strategy. When a process flow diagram looks like a plate of spaghetti, TransaXional is at its best. The function-based strategy boils a process down to its basic elements and allows you to talk to the occurrences. By talking to the Best of the Best (BOB) occurrences and the Worst of the Worst (WOW) occurrences, you quickly converge on what is wrong or missing with a system and how to fix it.

Types of Problems Solved with TransaXional
Some common applications of TransaXional problem solving are:
Inventory Management Errors
A functional analysis of an inventory system allows you to easily look across multiple departments to uncover the hidden problems and provides a consistent view of how the system should work organization wide.
Configuration Management Challenges
Examples include understanding and improving the ordering process for commercial vehicles, developing a strategy for part number allocation for an entire division of an automotive supplier and finding the cause of missing or erroneous parts being delivered for prototype engine build and testing.
Regulations Compliance Shortcomings
Our customers have employed TransaXional to ensure compliance with regulations related to functional safety, emissions regulations, information security, and quality management standards.
Scalable Application
In addition to solving and preventing different types of problems, these examples also show the ability of TransaXional to address different scales of problems. We have applied this methodology at the highest level of companies to ensure efficient operation and direction, and we have applied it at the working level to improve a variety of business processes.
Enhancing your organization’s problem-solving capabilities with the addition of TransaXional empowers your employees to solve any problem they may face. Contact us to get started.