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Conditions d'utilisation

Conditions d'utilisation

Mentions légales du site internet Shainin (conditions générales)

Bienvenue sur le site internet Shainin. Veuillez prendre connaissance des termes et conditions décrits ci-dessous concernant l’utilisation de ce site internet. En utilisant ce site, y compris le téléchargement de logiciels et d’articles, ainsi que l’utilisation des forums et des blogs qu’il contient, vous acceptez les présentes conditions générales. Si vous n’êtes pas d’accord avec les présentes conditions générales ou une partie de celles-ci, vous ne devez pas utiliser ce site internet. Shainin se réserve le droit de modifier et de changer ces termes et conditions sans préavis.

Conditions d'utilisation de ce site web

Veuillez noter que ces termes et conditions se rapportent à l’utilisation de ce site internet et sont régis conformément aux lois des États-Unis, lieu à partir duquel Shainin exploite ce site. Les litiges découlant des présentes sont exclusivement soumis à la juridiction des tribunaux fédéraux ou d’État, selon le cas, de l’État du Nevada aux États-Unis.

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En général, bien que des efforts raisonnables soient faits pour assurer la confidentialité de vos informations privées et personnelles, Shainin ne peut pas garantir et ne garantit pas la sûreté et la sécurité absolues des données confidentielles sur Internet.

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Propriété intellectuelle

Dans la mesure où Shainin permet le téléchargement de son logiciel propriétaire Red X Tracker©* à partir de ce site internet, ce logiciel est protégé par des droits d’auteur enregistrés et d’autres droits de propriété de Shainin aux États-Unis et/ou dans des juridictions étrangères. Toute utilisation de ce logiciel est soumise aux termes de l’accord de licence « click through » accepté par l’utilisateur sur ce site internet.

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*Red X Tracker© est une marque déposée de Shainin II LLC.

Publications des utilisateurs

Le site web peut comporter des zones telles que des forums, des blogs, des salons de discussion où des messages peuvent être publiés et des informations échangées (« messages ») par les utilisateurs de ce site web. Sachez que Shainin peut avoir un contrôle éditorial sur les informations publiées par les utilisateurs dans ces zones du site internet. Ces publications ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions de Shainin. Shainin ne peut garantir que d’autres utilisateurs n’utiliseront pas les idées et les informations partagées dans ces publications. Shainin se réserve le droit de surveiller toutes les publications et de supprimer celles qu’elle considère comme offensantes ou en violation des conditions générales du site internet de Shainin. Vous autorisez par la présente Shainin à utiliser tout ou partie de vos publications de quelque manière, format ou support que ce soit à des fins publicitaires ou à d’autres fins que Shainin jugera appropriées. Vous n’aurez aucune réclamation ni aucun autre recours contre Shainin en cas de violation d’un quelconque droit de propriété dans les publications.

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Lois américaines applicables et Export Control

Shainin contrôle et exploite ce site internet depuis son emplacement aux États-Unis. L’ensemble du contenu et des matériaux de ce site internet est protégé par des droits d’auteur, des marques commerciales ou d’autres droits de propriété intellectuelle et de propriété de Shainin ou de ses propriétaires respectifs, ainsi que par les lois fédérales applicables et les règlements de contrôle des exportations du gouvernement des États-Unis. Les présentes conditions d’utilisation sont régies et interprétées conformément aux lois de l’État du Michigan, États-Unis. Vous acceptez expressément que la juridiction exclusive pour toute réclamation ou action découlant de ou liée aux présentes conditions d’utilisation ou à votre utilisation de ce site web, y compris les forums en ligne, soit déposée uniquement dans les tribunaux situés dans le comté de Wayne, ville de Northville, État du Michigan, États-Unis, et vous acceptez en outre de vous soumettre à l’exercice de la juridiction personnelle de ces tribunaux dans le but de plaider une telle réclamation ou action.

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Marques de commerce et de service

Shainin et tous les autres termes apparaissant ici sont des marques déposées de Shainin II LLC.

Certains sont enregistrés auprès de l’office des brevets des États-Unis et dans d’autres pays où Red X Holdings et Shainin LLC fournissent des services.

Attribute Component Search™
Attribute Variable Search Patterns™
B vs C™
B vs W™
Backwards B vs C™
Barrier ANOVA™
Barrier B vs C™
Black Dot™
Component Search™
Component Search Patterns™
Delta Plot™
Experience Plot™
FEMCA™ Focused Problem Definition™
Focused Problem Definition Tree™
Green Y®
Isoplot Quickcheck™
Multi-spec Search™
Multiple Alternatives B vs C™
Multiple B vs C™
Operations Search™
Operations Search Patterns™
Overstress Probe Test™
Overstress Probe Testing™
Paired Comparisons™
Pale Pink X™
Pink X™
Problem Definition Tree™
Project Definition Tree™
Random Multi-spec Search™
Randomized Sequencing™
Rank Order ANOVA™
Red X®
Red X in Black Box + Design in Color®
Red X Tracker®
Resilient Design and Development®
Resilient IT Management®
Resistance Limit Transform™
Risk ReduXion®
Rolling Top 5®
Scope Tree™
Sensory Scoring Transform™
Solution Tree™
Source Isolation Squares™
Statistical Tolerance Stacking™
Strategy Diagram™
The Bennett Method™
The Shainin® System
Tolerance Ellipse™
Tolerance Parallelogram™
Variable Search™
X The Shainin Assistant ™
Y → X ™

Dorian Awards Criteria

Team Project Awards

Transaxional Business

Business processes deliver critical functions. But sometimes processes break, and the reason isn’t clear. TransaXional Business Projects focus on what must go right in a process for it to deliver the desired result every time.  The  TransaXional Business Project of the Year Award recognizes projects that focus on process-based problems. Projects that win this award will demonstrate: 

  • The impact of the problem for the company and the team 
  • The strategy implemented to complete the project.
  • Creative & effective use of the Shainin Transaxional tools  
  • The timeline of resolution from initial discovery through project closure
Shainin Master Digital Badge Mockup

Sergio Lizarraga

Gm Mexico, Technical Dir. Latin America

Sergio serves as our General Manager in Mexico and Technical Director of Latin America with over three decades of experience in manufacturing and engineering. For the past 25 years, Sergio has been using the Shainin methodology to help companies solve complex problems, with a proven track record of success. 

Sergio’s qualifications include a BS in Electronics and Communications Engineering, a Master’s in IT Management, and a Red X Master certification. He has worked in a wide range of industries, including automotive assembly, automotive components, electronics, foundry, mechanical equipment, chemical products, and medical products. 

But what sets Sergio apart is his passion for teaching and coaching. He has traveled to different countries, including Mexico, the USA, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and Portugal, to teach and coach the Shainin methodology. Additionally, he is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming. 

Sergio is known for his charismatic personality and his ability to inspire others. He enjoys playing guitar, spending time with his dogs, and reading in his free time, and is always looking to expand his knowledge and learn new things. 

Sergio’s wealth of experience, dedication to problem-solving, and passion for teaching make him an invaluable asset to any team. Whether you’re looking to tackle a complex manufacturing challenge or improve your team’s problem-solving skills, Sergio has the expertise and drive to help you achieve your goals. 

Dorian Awards Criteria

Team Project Awards

Cette catégorie de prix est destinée aux équipes de projet qui ont fait preuve d'une application exceptionnelle des méthodologies Shainin pour résoudre des problèmes complexes au sein de leur entreprise.

Pour être considérée pour ce prix, la soumission doit répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Rapidité et efficacité de la résolution du problème
  • Difficulté technique et complexité du problème résolu
  • Impact et effet de levier du projet dans toute l’organisation
  • Utilisation créative des technologies Shainin
  • Clarté de la documentation du projet

Dorian Awards Criteria

RT5 Leadership Award

Le Rolling Top 5 Leadership Award est destiné aux leaders qui ont accru l'impact de la résolution de problèmes à l'aide des technologies Shainin au sein de leur organisation.

Pour être considérée pour ce prix, la soumission doit répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Démontre une orientation de leadership, un cadre structurel et un encadrement efficace d’une culture dynamique de résolution de problèmes.
  • Effectuer des revues régulières pour s’assurer que les projets clés sont résolus rapidement et efficacement.
  • Encourager les principaux fournisseurs et clients à résoudre conjointement les problèmes en utilisant les méthodes Shainin et en exploitant les résultats.
  • Reconnaître et récompenser activement les performances exceptionnelles en matière de résolution de problèmes.
  • Le nombre de projets réussis et de certifications obtenues

Dorian Awards Criteria

Master of the year Award

Le prix du maître de l'année est destiné aux dirigeants qui ont accru l'impact de la résolution de problèmes à l'aide des technologies Shainin au sein de leur organisation.

Pour être considérée pour ce prix, la soumission doit répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Appliquer des compétences de leadership pour étendre l’impact des technologies Red X au sein de l’organisation.
  • Résultats incluant les projets réalisés qui ont eu une incidence significative sur l’amélioration des performances de l’entreprise.
  • Le nombre de personnes accompagnées jusqu’à la certification.
Shainin Master Digital Badge Mockup

Craig Hysong

President & CEO

Craig Hysong is a problem-solving expert who has spent his career transforming how companies approach problems. As the President and CEO of Shainin, Craig places the customer at the center of everything he does and is 100% focused on customer satisfaction. 

With over 24 years of experience at Shainin and 13 years of experience at General Motors and ITT Automotive, Craig is a leader in his field. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Lehigh University, where he attended as a General Motors Fellow. Craig is a licensed professional engineer and an American Society for Quality (ASQ) certified Quality Engineer, Reliability Engineer, Quality Auditor, and Manager of Quality & Organizational Excellence.

Craig’s commitment to his work and his customers is unparalleled. He has diversified Shainin’s customer base, implemented a standard sales process, and is working towards establishing the company as the global benchmark in problem-solving. Craig was the recipient of the 2017 Dorian Shainin Medal from ASQ, which recognized him for the development of an innovative conflict detection method. Additionally, his creativity in problem-solving has resulted in four US Patents.

Outside of work, Craig enjoys playing ice hockey, cross country skiing, bicycling, running, and water skiing. He also enjoys working on personal projects around the house and on his cars.

Craig’s passion for problem-solving, exceptional leadership skills, and dedication to customer satisfaction, combined with his down-to-earth and relatable personality, make him an invaluable asset to Shainin and the companies that seek our services.

Shainin Master Digital Badge Mockup

Richard Shainin

Executive VP - Training services

With over five decades of experience in engineering, operations, marketing, and sales, Richard is a seasoned professional in the field of quality engineering and problem-solving. 
A prolific author and lecturer, Richard has published papers in Quality Engineering and Six Sigma Forum and authored the « Multi-Vari Charts » chapter for the Encyclopedia of Statistics in Quality and Reliability. He is a frequent speaker at quality conferences, including the ASQ World Conference, where he shares his insights on solving complex problems. 
Richard has received numerous accolades throughout his career, including being named the 2014 Quality Leader of the Year by the ASQ Automotive Division, and the Cecil C. Craig Lifetime Award from ASQ in 2019, in recognition of his publications. 
Prior to joining the company in 1991, Richard led high-performance teams at AT&T, where he gained extensive experience in engineering, operations, marketing, and sales. Today, he continues to guide class development and delivery, working closely with customer leaders to develop and implement more effective organizations for solving complex problems. 
With a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Stevens Institute of Technology and an MBA from American University, Richard is a graduate of the AT&T Management Development Program. He has trained thousands of engineers and executives in technical problem-solving skills and leadership skills, solving complex technical problems in castings, electro-mechanical systems, electronics, and assemblies across industries ranging from Automotive, Aerospace, and Consumer Electronics. 
Richard’s expertise in problem-solving and leadership makes him an asset to the field of quality engineering, and his contributions continue to inspire professionals worldwide. 

Shainin Master Digital Badge Mockup

John Abrahamian

Executive VP - Problem Solving

John Abrahamian is a highly respected problem solver as well as an expert in the field of Lean manufacturing, with a career spanning over three decades. Throughout his career, John has become renowned for his innovative approach to problem-solving and his unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction. 
After receiving his BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 1985, John began his career as a design and development engineer at Pratt & Whitney. It was during this time that his interest in problem-solving first emerged. By 1994, John had become a Continuous Improvement Manager at the company. During his tenure, John led Pratt & Whitney’s efforts in Lean manufacturing and Value Engineering. 
In 1990, John began pursuing his MBA in Operations Management, where he was first introduced to the concept of Lean manufacturing, and this influenced the direction of his career. In 1996, he was encouraged by his Pratt & Whitney team to take Shainin Red X training, building on his Lean manufacturing efforts. This training proved to be a turning point in John’s career, igniting his passion for problem-solving and setting him on a path to becoming one of the industry’s most respected experts. 
In 1998, John joined Shainin, where he has spent the last 25 years pursuing his passion for problem-solving. During his time here, John has developed innovative approaches to problem-solving, having received a US Patent for a problem-solving method. He also integrated function analysis into Shainin methods, seeding what would ultimately become Resilient Engineering.  
Despite his busy schedule, John still finds time to pursue his hobbies, which include golfing, stand-up paddleboarding, and skeet shooting. He especially enjoys traveling with his wife and spending time with family, including his three grandsons. 
Having the opportunity to work in a wide variety of industries, experiencing different cultures and meeting new and interesting people gives John the kind of job satisfaction that makes him grateful to be in this field of work. He truly enjoys creating meaningful relationships with his customers and inspiring ordinary engineers to become extraordinary problem solvers. 

Shainin Master Digital Badge Mockup

Constantin Berg

VP of Operations

Constantin Berg is the Vice President and Managing Director for Shainin’s European division. A graduate of the Technical University of Munich with a diploma in technology and management-based business administration, Constantin began his career at Linde gas and oil company where he first became acquainted with Shainin. 
Joining Shainin’s European division as a consultant in 2011, Constantin trained extensively with Richard Shainin learning Red X Methodology. Over the next 9 years he rose through the ranks, eventually becoming VP of Operations, where he led the effort to restructure the division, which emerged stronger than ever before. 
Constantin’s success earned him the role of Managing Director for Germany, India, and China. His dedication to the company and its vision of healthy growth into new regions has been crucial in shaping the division’s success. 
Beyond his professional achievements, Constantin is a devoted family man, a loving father, and husband. He enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, playing soccer in a recreational league, and reading non-fiction books on business, and biographies. 
Constantin is also passionate about making a positive impact on the world. He envisions partnering with corporations to help with environmental causes and supporting health organizations in researching root causes of disease. His desire to make the world a better place is inspiring to all who know and work with him.  

Shainin Master Digital Badge Mockup

Esther Fondermann

Technical Director, Shainin GmbH

Esther Fondermann is a highly accomplished technical leader with over a decade of experience. She currently serves as the Technical Director at Shainin GmbH, where she oversees the technical aspects of the company’s services, leads teams of engineers and technicians, and ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations. 

Esther’s drive towards excellence is evident in her ability to find the root cause of complex problems and implement effective solutions. Her commitment to delivering optimal customer experiences has earned her a well-deserved reputation for exceptional performance. She was introduced to the Shainin Red X methodology during her time at Mercedes, where she worked in different positions such as Quality Engineer in engine production, Master Black Belt in Vehicle Development, Manager of the Program Management Department, and as an Executive Assistant to the Vice President. Esther has extensive manufacturing, engineering, quality management and new product launch experience within the automotive and aerospace industries.  

At the age of 29, Esther earned her Six Sigma Master Black Belt certification, which was preceded by achieving her Red X Master certification. She was impressed by the Shainin methodology’s effectiveness in solving complex problems and improving quality, and she later joined Shainin GmbH to continue her commitment to quality engineering and continuous improvement.  

Esther’s career at Shainin GmbH began in 2012 when she joined as a Senior Technical Consultant, where she further honed her analytical skills to solve complex technical problems. She was quickly recognized for her abilities and was promoted to Technical Manager in 2016. In 2018, she was further promoted to Technical Manager for Europe and Delivery Lead for the D-A-CH region, where she continued to excel in her leadership role. Most recently, Esther was promoted to Technical Director and Member of the Board of Management Shainin GmbH in January 2019. 

Through her success as a former professional field hockey player, Esther has demonstrated her relentless pursuit of superior performance. She played over ten years in the 1st German Hockey League and for the German Hockey National Team. Her experience as an athlete and captain has contributed to her skills in teamwork, leadership, and handling pressure, all of which have been valuable assets in her career. 

Dorian Awards Criteria

Team Project Awards

Resilient Engineering

The goal in new product or process development is a trouble-free launch. Resilient engineering focuses on the critical factors that impact the success of your design. The Resilient Engineering Project of the Year Award recognizes projects that focus on what must go right to ensure a successful launch. Projects that win this award will demonstrate:  

  • Critical factor identification in the design phase 
  • Prioritization of the factors to focus on 
  • Potential or perceived impact for the customer, the company, and the production line. 
  • Effective use of the Shainin Resilient Engineering tools to identify, prioritize, design, test, and control the critical factors.  
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Tom Smith

Director of Business Development

Tom Smith is the Director of Business Development at Shainin with over 20 years of experience in leadership roles in aerospace manufacturing, operations, engineering, and logistics. 
Having been directly responsible for the P&L of multi-site manufacturing businesses with revenues ranging from $20M to $350M+, Tom has championed many iterations of strategically focused Shainin problem solving efforts.  Tom’s ability to quickly assimilate problem solving into operations and engineering functions has proven to be valuable and effective in driving immediate and sustained bottom line improvement. 
After calling on Shainin multiple times as a satisfied client throughout his career, Tom decided to join the Shainin team directly in 2019.  His uniquely qualified background and experience have been a source of keen insight and understanding into the needs of Shainin’s customers. 
Tom is a certified Shainin RT5 leader and Red-X Journeyman, as well as a Six Sigma Plus Blackbelt, with a deep understanding of OpEx, Lean, Six Sigma, and Red-X problem-solving methods.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters of Manufacturing Management, both from The Pennsylvania State University.  Tom is passionate about helping clients achieve their goals by fostering a culture of trust, continuous improvement, and teamwork. 

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Diane Schwarzkopf

Chief Financial Officer/Global Controller

Diane Schwarzkopf has been with Shainin since July 2016. Despite starting her career with a focus on Programming/Computer Science and later shifting to an Accounting degree, Diane never anticipated she’d be working for a global organization. Today, she navigates the significant complexities of her role as Global Controller with aplomb, leveraging a diverse knowledge base built on years of experience across various industries.  

Diane’s leadership style is characterized by a commitment to accuracy, collaboration, and responsiveness. Recognizing the importance of these attributes in her field, she strives to create an environment where management and staff feel heard and supported, and her direct reports are afforded ample opportunities for professional growth. She tackles challenges head-on while her forward-thinking approach in anticipating needs is instrumental in the smooth running of Shainin’s global operations. 

Beyond her professional life, Diane is a passionate reader, immersing herself in a variety of genres ranging from suspense and mystery to neuro-linguistic programming and leadership books. She also indulges in crafting activities, particularly knitting and crocheting. Diane and her husband relish outdoor activities, including kayaking and running. She is mother to two adult children and a genuine pet lover who dotes on her cats, Sophie and Ivan, and Truda, her energetic Doberman. 

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Gina Rozak

General Counsel

Gina Rozak is our General Counsel at Shainin. With over a decade of legal expertise, Gina understands the importance of building strong relationships with our customers, ensuring that they’re successful with implementing Shainin methodology while protecting the interests of all parties.

Gina holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Central Michigan University and attended law school, receiving her Juris Doctorate degree from Thomas M. Cooley in Lansing, Michigan. She’s licensed to practice law in Michigan and was admitted to practice in the Eastern District of Michigan Federal Court. With years of experience under her belt, Gina has developed ongoing relationships with our customers, providing her with valuable insights into the legal challenges that businesses like yours face. 

When she’s not working, Gina loves to spend time with her family, bake delicious treats, and keep fit by running. Her weekends are usually filled with getting kids around to their different activities and sometimes she gets to relax by indulging in TV shows ranging from historical fiction to reality, to the many fascinating subjects on the History Channel. 

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Pete Shainin


Pete Shainin is a highly qualified and experienced mechanical engineer with over 57 years of experience in engineering, 39 of which he has spent at Shainin. He earned his Mechanical Engineering degree from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1966 and became a Professional Engineer in Washington State in 1970. 

Pete’s career began at Pratt & Whitney Aircraft, where he worked as a Quality Control Engineering Assistant and a Product Development Engineering Assistant. He then moved on to Marine Construction & Design, where he worked as a Marine Deck Machinery Design Engineer. Pete also worked at Standard Screw as an Engineering Assistant to Vernon Roosa, inventor of the Roosamaster Diesel Injector System, before becoming a Marine Deck Machinery Sales Engineer at Skagit Corp. 

After many years of working in the family business and taking on more leadership roles, Pete became CEO of Shainin LLC and eventually transitioned to the role of Chairman in 2010, where he currently serves. 

Throughout his career, Pete has achieved many successes, including building and leading teams that created the Shainin worldwide engineering business starting with his father’s work as a single individual. This is mirrored in his passion for sailing, where he led a crew of eight to victory in the challenging 2300-mile race from Victoria, British Columbia to Maui, Hawaii, in 2006. 

Just like in business, sailing requires teamwork, strategy, and dedication. Pete’s ability to bring his team together and lead them to success in the face of adversity is a testament to his leadership skills both on and off the water. What sets Pete apart is his love of building successful teams and his humility. 

Outside of work, Pete enjoys designing and building mechanisms to solve specific problems, and sailing. His dedication and commitment to excellence have brought him success in all aspects of his life, whether it’s in the boardroom or on the deck of a sailboat.

Dorian Awards Criteria

Team Project Awards


Manufacturing is a world all its own. With the fast-moving pace, the speed of solving problems matters. The Plant Manufacturing Project of the Year Award recognizes projects that resolve complex problems in ongoing production which impact the end user, company bottom line, production quality rates, and the like. Projects that win this award will demonstrate:

  • Technical difficulty or complexity in resolving the issue.
  • Creative and effective use of the Shainin Red X tools to uncover the root cause.
  • Impact of resolving the problem.
  • How the solution or information discovered was leveraged.
  • Timeline for resolving the issue.

Dorian Awards Criteria

Team Project Awards

Field Reliability

Field failures impact more than just your bottom line. This category is dedicated to projects that focus on field issues such as ‘No Trouble Found’, fatigue failures, and other destructive or malfunction events. Projects that win this award will demonstrate:

  • Initial impact of the problem.
  • Creative and effective use of the Shainin Red X tools to uncover the root cause. 
  • Speed and efficiency in resolving the issue.  

Dorian Awards Criteria

Team Project Awards

Product Development

This category recognizes technical problems solved during product development and launch. These projects typically have small sample sizes to work with. Product development begins the lifecycle of a product. In the early stages, we want to test products so we can account for and adjust to prevent failures. Projects that win this award will demonstrate: 

  • Potential impact of the problem.
  • Effective use of the Shainin Red X tools to uncover the root cause.
  • The timeline of resolution from initial discovery to solution implemented. 

Dorian Awards Criteria

Company Award

Cette catégorie de prix est destinée aux entreprises qui ont développé avec succès un programme Red X au sein d'un établissement, d'une division, d'une région ou d'une société et qui peuvent démontrer des améliorations significatives basées sur ce développement.

Pour être considérée pour ce prix, la soumission doit répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Démontre l’impact de la technologie Shainin sur l’amélioration des indicateurs clés de l’entreprise.
  • Parmi les exemples, citons la réduction des rebuts, l’amélioration du rendement, la productivité, la réduction des réclamations clients, la prévention des défaillanes en réseau et d’autres solutions techniques permettant de réaliser des économies.
  • Permet le lancement réussi d’un nouveau programme ou produit.